Miami Valley Universal Design Services

Expect More. Get More.

Homes designed to fit For Accessibility

Universal Design is a worldwide movement based on the idea that all residential environments and products should be easily used and accessed by all members of the family, regardless of their age, size, or physical abilities—throughout their life span. 

As a Universal Design certified design-build contractor, Remodeling Designs Inc. can create a home that will continue to meet our changing needs throughout our lives.  The concept promotes designing every product and building so that everyone can use them to the greatest extent possible. 

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Our Universal Design Remodeling Projects

We believe that your home should be designed to fit your life so whether you’re aging in place, living with a disability, or have multiple generations living in your home, you could benefit from Universal Design.

Design Your Home to Age in Place

Most people prefer to stay in their homes as long as possible and as we age that can get more and more difficult. As a certified Aging-In-Place Specialist, Remodeling Designs is committed to helping the people of the Miami Valley stay in their homes by implementing home remodeling and universal design techniques that will allow homeowners to live in their homes comfortably, safely, independently, and with dignity. We believe that you should not be forced to move because a house is not adaptable to health or family change.

There is an opportunity to make your home safer, more accommodating and more accessible by making temporary or permanent modifications.  You can still live independently and with the quality of life you deserve. 

Do you have questions about home remodeling that you want answered now?

Download our free e-book or give us a call today!

Expect More. Get More.

Amazing Homes Start Here.

The first step towards making your dream remodel a reality is just a click away.